Cafespress is a company that imports green coffee beans. The correct choice, among all the numerous varieties available,  can be made thanks to the great experience that Cafespress has gained in this field. To make a good choice you have to know which Country has the best raw materials.  About our top blends, Robusta coffee comes from central Africa Countries and from the south-east Asia while Arabica coffee comes mainly from south and central America.

The selection of the right beans is performed by filters riddled with little holes. Cafespress chooses to acquire only the beans that came through the smallest filters because they are the ones less likely to have any flaws whatsoever.

Robusta coffee gives a strong taste to the bland which makes a properly creamy and full cup of coffee once prepared. The right mix of this blend with an Arabica coffee one (which is sweeter and more aromatic) creates a perfect and well balanced blend.